Big Tits In Sports: Work Those Titties. Katrina Jade, Van Wylde
9 years agoBig Tits In Sports: Work Those Titties. Katrina Jade, Van Wylde
9 years ago
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Van Wylde is used to seeing scorchingly hot chicks at the gym when he works out, but no one quite like Katrina Jade. Turns out he'd registered at a gym where the personal trainers are a gang of hot babes who motivate men to work harder with their stacked bodies. Every sit-up gave him a face-full of her big soft boobs, and every upside-down crunch put his face right in the middle of her thick ass, close enough to lick her pussy and crack. Van's reward for advancing all the levels of Katrina's epic ab workout? Getting to rail this tattooed beauty on the gym floor and pop a thick nut on her chin!
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